Coimbatore Institute of Technology was founded in the year 1956 by V. Rangaswamy Naidu Educational Trust (VRET) with the noble aim of disseminating knowledge in the fields of science, engineering and technology to the student community.
Coimbatore Institute of Technology was founded in the year 1956 by V. Rangaswamy Naidu Educational Trust (VRET) with the noble aim of disseminating knowledge in the fields of science, engineering and technology to the student community.
The philanthropic founders envisioned a unique professional learning order with special emphasis on industrial training. CIT was affiliated to Madras University from 1956 to 1980. In the year 1980, the Institute got affiliated to Bharathiar University and subsequently to Anna University in 2001. CIT is a Government-aided institution, recognized by the All India Council for Technical Education(AICTE).
CIT offers 7 Under Graduate Academic Programmes, 9 Post Graduate Academic Programmes, 3 Five Year Integrated M.Sc. Programmes in addition to Ph.D. Research Programmes. As part of the invaluable service rendered to the society by V. Rangaswamy Educational Trust, the CIT Sandwich Polytechnic College was started in 1961. Presently, 8 Engineering Diploma Programmes are offered by the polytechnic in various engineering disciplines.