Brindavan college of engineering

Brindavan college of engineering

Course Overview

  • The library of the Institute has a collection of 8954 volumes, 1870 titles, 63 National and 33 International journals, 21 magazines, 8 newspaper, 441 CDs and digital content. The library has been using the "EASYLIB", an integrated library management software package with all the modules for the library housekeeping operations. The library has also adopted Open Access System. It also provides Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) allows users to search all materials (such as books, journals, Magazines, etc.) available in the library collection.

  • Hostel

    The Institute provides two boys' hostel with 384 number of inmates and one girls' hostel with 252 number of inmates. The hostels have the following facilities: Indoor sports, Wi-Fi, Book Shelf, Cold and Hot water, TV, Library and Reading Room

    Boys HostelIn-Campus HostelGirls HostelIn-Campus Hostel
  • Labs
    Available Facilities: 
    Civil Engineering Lab|Computer Lab|Electronics Lab|Mechanical Lab|VHDL Lab|Microcontroller Lab|DSP and MAT Lab|Computer Aided Engineering Drawing Lab|Basic Workshop Practice Lab|Computer Aided Machine Drawing Lab|Metallography and Material Testing Lab|Fluid Machinery Lab|Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering Lab|Construction Workshop|Drawing Lab