Admissions Open : Join Presidency College for a Bright Future

Presidency College

Presidency College

It had taken, decades for the College to take shape. At the behest of Sir Thomas Munro a Committee of public instruction was formed in 1826. In 1836 the duties of the Committee of public instruction was taken over by "The Committee of Native Education." The plan drawn up by the Committee did not commend themselves to Lord Elphinstone who in turn proposed nineteen resolutions which were passed unanimously. The gist of the resolutions was as follows:"That it is expedient that a Central Collegiate Institution or University should be established at Madras". "The Madras University to consist of two principal departments, a College for the Higher Branches of Literature, Philosophy and Science, and a High School for the Cultivation of English Literature and of the vernacular languages of India and the elementary departments of Philosophy and Science".