St. Joseph’s College

St. Joseph’s College


At St. Joseph’s, we try to create leaders for a better world. Leaders, deeply rooted in our philosophy “Fide et Labore” (a Latin phrase that means ‘Faith and Toil’), who commit themselves to excel in the fields they choose. That excellence is driven by the values and principles of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuit order that governs St. Joseph’s. We make every effort to be relevant, innovative, and creative. We believe that the education imparted at St. Joseph’s prepares our students for a highly competitive world. Yet, in all these endeavours, we haven’t lost sight of the marginalised and the less fortunate of our society. We have made every effort to sensitise our students to the challenges faced by people in need. During the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath, Josephites were at the forefront of relief and rehabilitation work joining hands with the civil officials. Our outreach program ‘Bembala’ stood in support of the suffering.
The Jesuit motto “educating men and women for others” animates our vision to reach out to those most in need. As we now brace ourselves to face the post-COVID challenges, I wish to encourage each of us to support one another and to ensure that St. Joseph’s continues to be a place of deep care for each person, especially for those who feel most vulnerable. I invite you to join us in this venture.

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